Giuseppe Paolo" to Momma that is.
Number twelve so far in my series of All-Time Baseball greats,
The son of an Italian immigrant fisherman, Joseph Paul ”Joe“ DiMaggio. Voted in Baseball's Centennial year of 1969, (after induction into the Baseball Hall of Fame back in 1955,) as the greatest living player. Was a three-time MVP winner and an All-Star in each of his thirteen seasons. During his tenure with the New York Yankees, the club won ten American League pennants and nine, count them, nine, World Series championships. His is best known for his 56-game hitting streak (May 15-July 16, 1941,) a record that still stands to this day.
He also is well known as one of Marilyn Monroe's beaus, albeit it briefly as a married couple. Interestingly enough it was reported that while they were married, in September of 1954, Marilyn was filming ”The Seven Year Itch” with 20th Century Fox. The Director, Billy Wilder, wanted a media circus and got one. Much to Joe's chagrin and downright anger. While filming the mega-famous “skirt blowing” scene in front of Manhattan‘s Trans-Lux 52nd Street Theater, Joe and Marilyn had a “yelling battle” inside the theater‘s lobby. A month later, Marilyn filed for divorce on grounds of mental cruelty. Afterwards, Joe got counseling, stopped drinking, and pursued other interests. The couple reconciled years later in February of '61, and she visited him in Florida whilst he was working as a hitting coach. Other reports were that Joe had planned on re-marring Marilyn, but, was always concerned about the type people she was surrounded by. By August of 1962, Marilyn was dead. Joe and his son, Joe Jr., barred the celebrity Hollywood elite from her funeral. He had a half-dozen red roses delivered three times a week to her crypt for 20 years, and he refused to talk about her publicly or otherwise exploit their relationship. He never married again. When he died in 1999, his last words were "I'll finally get to see Marilyn.

“People ask me what I do in winter when there’s no Baseball. I’ll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring.” Quote attributed to Rogers Hornsby, still second only to Ty Cobb for career batting average at .358. Nicknamed “The Rajah,” (Monarch or Princely Ruler) he played for 23 seasons from 1915 thru 1937 for the St.Louis Cardinals, New York Giants, Boston Braves, Chicago Cubs, and the St. Louis Browns. From Wikipedia:
“Hornsby is one of the best hitters of all time. His career batting average of .358 is second only to Ty Cobb, at .367, in MLB history. He also won two Triple Crowns and batted .400 or more three times during his career. He is the only player to hit 40 home runs and bat .400 in the same year (1922). His batting average for the 1924 season was .424, a mark that no player has matched since. He was elected to the National Baseball Hall of Fame in 1942 and the St. Louis Cardinals Hall of Fame in 2014.Hornsby married three times, in 1918, 1924, and 1957, and had two children, one from each of his first two marriages.
Known as someone difficult to get along with, he was not at all well-liked by his fellow players. He never smoked, drank, or went to the movies, but frequently gambled on horse races during his career.”
Hmmm. Maybe he should have found something better to do during the offseason than staring out of the window. ; )